Shinotsuku Ame (篠突く雨 - Intense Rain)

Oct 29, 2017 16:59
Unfortunately, today's weather is "shinotsuku ame" (篠突く雨).

"Shinotsuku ame" means a pelting rain as much as it could pierce the ground.

The "shino" (篠) is "shinodake" (篠竹), which means small bamboo, and the "tsuku" (突く) means "prod."

Therefore "shinotsuku" (篠突く) means that you gather small bamboos and prod them to the ground.

Also, the "ame" means "rain."

That is to say, "shinotsuku ame" implies a strong and high density rain like gathered small bamboos.

Although this is a little old-fashioned term and is not used much now, I think that you will be cool if you can use it appropriately.



「篠」は細く群がって生える竹「篠竹」を、「突く」は "" を意味します。


また、「雨」は "rain" を意味します。


No. 1 Lexee's correction
  • Unfortunately, today's weather is "shinotsuku ame" (篠突く雨).
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • "Shinotsuku ame" means a pelting rain as much as it could pierce the ground.
  • "Shinotsuku ame" means that the rain is so strong it could piece the ground.
  • The "shino" (篠) is "shinodake" (篠竹), which means small bamboo, and the "tsuku" (突く) means "prod."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Therefore "shinotsuku" (篠突く) means that you gather small bamboos and prod them to the ground.
  • Therefore "shinotsuku" (篠突く) means that you gather small bamboos and prod them into the ground.
  • Also, the "ame" means "rain."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • That is to say, "shinotsuku ame" implies a strong and high density rain like gathered small bamboos.
  • In other words, "shinotsuku ame" implies a strong and high density rain like small gathered bamboos.
     すなわちというのは:That is to sayでもOKだけどこの状況は「In other wordsとかThis meansとか」を使ってもいいと思う

    In other words, "shinotsuku ame" implies a strong and high density rain like small gathered bamboos.でもOKけど:

    In other words, "shinotsuku ame" implies the rain is so strong and intense that the drops are like small gathered bamboos. がもっとナチュラルな文と思う
  • Although this is a little old-fashioned term and is not used much now, I think that you will be cool if you can use it appropriately.
  • Although this is a little old-fashioned term and is not used much now, I think that you will be cool if you can use it appropriately.
     「使いこなせると格好良いと思います。」は"I think It would be cool if you could be able to properly use it"感があると思う。。あるいは、人がかっこいですか?使いことがかっこいいですか?
Thank you so much for correcting my post!
> "I think It would be cool if you could be able to properly use it"感があると思う。
「人がかっこいい」というよりは「使いこなすことがかっこいい」ので、Lexee さんの提案してくれた文が適切だと思います。
I think that your suggestion is more appropriate.